Tempat Umum
Pada pelajaran ini para murid kelas 2 SD diharapkan bisa
menguasai kata-kata tentang tempat umum dalam bahasa Inggris dengan baik.
Vocabulary – Perbendaharaan
school = Sekolah
mosque = mesjid
train station = stasiun kereta
airport = bandara
amusement park = taman hiburan
clinic = klinik
cinema = bioskop
cafe = kafe
cafetaria = kantin
town hall = balai kota
post office = kantor pos
coffee shop = warung kopi
bank = bank
barbershop = tukang cukur
bus station = halte bus
bookstore = toko buku
gift shop = toko hadiah
hotel = hotel
gym = gym
inn = penginapan
ice cream shop = toko eskrim
funeral home = rumah duka
kiosk store = warung pinggir jalan
library = perpustakaan
gas station = SPBU
mall = mall
market = pasar
restaurant = restoran
park = taman
stadium = stadion
supermarket = supermarket
pet shop = toko hewan peliharaan
university = universitas
zoo = kebun binatang
Sentence - Kalimat
There are many animals in the zoo.
Kids are playing in the park.
We are studying at school.
Me and my mother go to the market every morning.
The bookstore was so crowded because there is a discount.
We stays in the hotel for two days.
We will go to the cinema in the end of the week.
People are waiting for bus in the bus station.
I buy you a present in the gift shop.
We go to the pet shop to buy some food for our cats.